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Thanksgiving Food Drive
October 1, 2023 - October 15, 2023

We want to give back during this Thanksgiving Season. So, from Oct 1-15, we will be doing a food drive for the Care Centre Ottawa, which is one of our partner ministries aligned with our Anchor Cause of Food Insecurity in Riverside South.
Their most needed items include: Peanut Butter/Jam, Pasta Sauce, Chickpeas, Tuna, Crackers, Cookies, Children’s Snacks, Canned Tomatoes, Kraft Dinner, Cereal, Oatmeal, Canned Fruit, Bars of Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes and Dish Soap.
We will be collecting these items on Sunday Oct 1st, 8th (Thanksgiving Sunday), and 15th. They can also be dropped off at Craig & Linda Cudmore’s place (741 Rolling River Cr). There will be a bin in front of the garage door where items can be left.
Financial donations are also encouraged: https://www.carecentreottawa.ca/donate. If possible though, please mark your donation as part of The Gathering’s Thanksgiving Food Drive as this will help us track how much came in as part of this initiative.
However you give, lets be sure to express our gratitude to God by giving generously to those in need this Thanksgiving!