These Discussion Questions are coming out of Sunday March 9th’s message “Know Your King” from our “Deliver Us From Evil” sermon series. They are intended to be used in Home Churches/Small Groups. Feel free to use as many or as few of these questions as is helpful for your group.
- Read Colossians 1:13-14 & Ephesians 2:1-3.
- What do these two passages (and any others that may come to mind) teach us about the condition of our souls apart from Christ?
- Jeff talked about how there is no ‘neutral territory’ in the spiritual realm; that “Everybody belongs to one of two kingdoms, whether we always realize it or not.”
- What do you think about that?
- What might some implications of this be as it relates to spiritual warfare?
- Jeff talked about how there is no ‘neutral territory’ in the spiritual realm; that “Everybody belongs to one of two kingdoms, whether we always realize it or not.”
- What do these two passages (and any others that may come to mind) teach us about the condition of our souls apart from Christ?
- Read 2 Corinthians 4:4.
- What does this passage teach us about the role of Satan in the lives of unbelievers? How do you feel about that? What do you think about that?
- If it’s true that “Satan… has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe”, how might we think about the role of prayer for them?
- Jeff said “Prayer is an act of warfare.” What do you think about that?
- How might thinking of prayer & intercession as warfare – particularly for those who don’t believe – shape the way we pray? Practically speaking, what might this look like?
- On Sunday, Jeff talked about the role of ‘Allegiance’ in spiritual warfare and in our discipleship to Jesus. “How we live matters, in this spiritual battle we find ourselves in.”
- How would you understand the role of ‘allegiance’, faithfulness and obedience to Jesus in spiritual warfare? Why does this matter so much (esp in light of the passages we’ve just discussed)?
- What might some potential pitfalls be in this conversation? (Moralism? Self-righteousness? Minimizing Jesus’ victory cross? Others? Discuss.)
- Jeff said, “It’s possible to belong to Jesus but to behave as though you belong to the devil.” How do you react to that? What might some implications of this be in battle with the powers & principalities? Why does how we live matter so much in the battle?
- In Ephesians 4:26-27, The Apostle Paul says (to Christians) to not “..let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.
- The greek word for ‘foothold’ is ‘topos’, which means “a place which a person or thing occupies.” How might that definition shape our understanding of what Paul is saying in this verse? What are some implications for the Christian in this verse?
- What are some other ways that we can give a ‘foothold’ to the devil in our lives, even as Christians? What can we do to walk in freedom instead?
- Jeff ended his sermon by asking, “Who’s your King, really?” How would you personally respond to that? How does ‘knowing your King’ impact that way you do (or don’t) think about spiritual warfare?