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If you missed Sunday March 12th’s message, you can listen to it here.

  • Spend some time debriefing the service. How did you meet with God this past Sunday? How did He speak to you?
  • Read Mark 8:11-21 together. What jumps out at you as you read it? What questions does it raise for you?
  • Jesus didn’t seem to appreciate the Pharisees asking him for a sign. Why? Is it wrong for us to ask God for a sign? Why or why not? Have you ever asked God for a sign? What happened?
  • The Pharisees were basically giving Jesus an ultimatum: “Do it our way, or we won’t believe.” How do we sometimes give God ultimatums (advertently or inadvertently)?
  • In verse 15, Jesus warned the disciples to “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod.” What was Jesus talking about here? (self-righteousness and self-sufficiency)
  • What makes ‘pride’ so subtle and something we need to “watch out” for and “beware” of? How does it sneak up on us?
  • What is the pride of self-righteousness, and what makes it so dangerous? How does it impact our relationship with God? How does it impact our relationship with one another?
  • What is the pride of self-sufficiency, and what makes it so dangerous? How does it impact our relationship with God? How does it impact our relationship with one another?
  • What is the cure for our pride?
  • What is your next step coming out of this Sunday’s message?