Conversation Starters: A Message of Hope
Guest Speaker: Darren Milley
- What did you hear God saying to you through the message on Sunday? Did you meet anyone new?
- Darren tried to group everyone in three categories which are you:
- People who don’t know the hope of Christ yet
- People who know it, but aren’t acting on it
- People who know it and who are acting on it
- Read Isaiah 9:1-7. What sticks out to you in this passage?
- Darren talked about the 400 years that God was silent to the people of Israel before the coming of Jesus. It was a time of despair and hardship, he asserted that all they had was hope in God. They held out hope for their Messiah. Yet, by the time Jesus comes they missed him because they were focussed on the outcome they wanted, and not on what God was actually doing. Has there ever been a time in your life where your prayers were focussed on what you wanted and perhaps not on what God actually had for you? Have you ever missed God because you were focussed on what you wanted him to do?
- “If we set our hopes on the things that our HIS hopes and desires, then we might be sure we will have what we ask for”. It stars with us fixing our hopes on what he hopes for. Do you agree with this? Why is it difficult to understand?
- What do you think God hopes for you, and the situations in your life?
- What would it look like for you to realize the hope you have in God and begin to share that hope with others?
- Pray together, ask God to show you where he is at work in your life and how you can share the hope of who he is with those around you.