The word “good” is not in the passage. What might be a better title for this well known story?
The Initial Question: What must I do to inherit eternal life?
- Why do you think Jesus answers a question with another question,” You’re an expert in the law, how do you read it?”?
- Why do you think the expert in the law asked the big question “Who is my neighbour?”
What might be a similar place to the “road to Jericho” in our city?
If Jesus was telling this story in the 21st century what kind of person might he use instead of a “Samaritan” to illustrate his point?
See, Feel, Respond (Eyes, Heart, Hands)
Do you have an example of how disruptive it can be to actually be a true neighbour?
If the deeper question Jesus wants you to ask is “What kind of a neighbour am I?” what are some practical steps you could take to be a better neighbour?
Jesus is the True Neighbour. The real “Good Samaritan”.
Take some time to thank Him for what He has done for you.