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If you missed Sunday Nov 27th’s message, “Jesus Heals a Deaf Man” you can listen to it here.

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were confused and helpless like sheep without a shepherd” Matthew 9:36

  • Have one of people in your group read Mark 7:31-37 aloud, slowly and thoughtfully.  Now do it again one more time.
  • What part of this passage caught your interest/attention as it was being read?  Share with the group what it was and why.
  • Check out a map.  Isn’t it kind of an indirect route Jesus took?  Why would he do that?  Was it a mistake or a plan?
  • Jesus’ ministry extended to groups of people that likely (let’s put it nicely) hated each other.  The Jews resented these Gentiles living on the edge of where they lived.  How did this message of Jesus go beyond the cultural barriers?  Can you see areas today that would be similar in our culture?  How
    does his message go beyond those barriers today?
  • Jesus led the deaf man away from the crowd.  How have some of you experienced times when you have been ‘led away from the crowd’ to go and be alone with Jesus?  What was your outcome during this time?
  • Why is it usually a struggle for us to be alone and hear what Jesus wants to speak and show us?
  • What are some other ways that Jesus healed people?  What do you think about his technique in this situation?
  • What is your take way from this passage?
  • Spend some time in closing being still and asking God what else he may want to say to you today through this passage.  It may be hard, but try listening.  As we saw and heard through this passage, his voice changes everything!