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Stories of Resurrection, Conversation Starters

Coming out of the Sunday April 18 teaching on “Stories of Resurrection”, spend some time in prayerful reflection and dialogue with your Home Church/Friends/Family around any combination of these questions:
Begin by reading Luke 7:11-17 together. What strikes you about this passage. What is it saying about the hope of resurrection?

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you relate to the widow in this story? Where are you longing for Jesus to bring you new life? Bring that to Jesus now. What do you hear God saying to you?
  2. When you think of the promise of resurrection, is that compatible with a life that includes suffering? How do you reconcile the pain in our world with the promise that Jesus has overcome?
  3. Dan described how his wool sweater helped him realize his need for God to calm his fears. Now it has become a sign of hope. Do you have a “wool sweater”? Something in your life that you believe represents God’s promise of faithfulness and love towards you. What’s your story?
  4. How does the hope of the resurrection change how you live your everyday life? How do you parent and relate to loved ones? How do you interact at work? How are you neighbouring and engaging in your neighbourhood? What does it look like to embody the hope of the resurrection and allow it to transform how you love others?
As you conclude, share with one another where you are hoping for God to bring resurrection this season. Pray for one another.