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Coming out of Sunday Nov 1’s teaching, “UNITED: Characteristics That Unite”, spend some time in prayerful reflection and dialogue with your Home Church/Friends/Family about these questions:

Read through Proverbs 15:1-4, Matthew 11:28-30, Romans 2:4, and Psalm 103:8-10 before starting. Pray and ask God to speak.

  1. What resonated most with you from Sunday’s message and/or the passages we just read regarding gentleness? Why is that? How is God speaking to you?

  2. Do you think there is a difference between “the gentleness of Jesus” and regular/human “gentleness”? If so, how would you describe the difference between the two?

  3. Jeff referenced Jonathan Edwards quote where he said, “All who are truly godly and are real disciples of Christ have a gentle spirit in them” and where he called gentleness “the Christian spirit.” How do you respond to this quote? Agree? Disagree? Why?

  4. Proverbs 15:1 talks about how a gentle answer deflects anger. Can you think of any real examples of this from your own life? Where have you seen this work or fail?
  5. Jeff talked about two ways that we can live into and be shaped by the gentleness of Jesus: 1. By knowing the gentleness of Jesus towards us, and 2. By allowing His gentleness to change us.
    • How do you see the gentleness of Jesus in the Gospels? Can you think of any specific examples from his life and ministry (in addition to the ones shared on Sunday)?
    • How have you experienced the gentleness of Jesus personally in your own life lately? What does his gentleness look/feel like to you?
    • How does knowing His gentleness have the potential to change the composition of your heart & character?
    • Why is it important that we start with “knowing the gentleness of Jesus towards us” as opposed to simply just trying harder in our own strength to be gentle?
  6. Jeff gave some examples of how “knowing the gentleness of Jesus” can make us more gentle; when feeling angry (remembering the God has been slow to anger with us), when being criticized (remembering that we have been rude to God but are still loved and accepted), and when dealing with people we sharply disagree with (knowing that God disagrees with us all the time). Can you think of any more examples of where “knowing the gentleness of Jesus” can make us more gentle”?
  7. Jeff concluded his sermon with two reflection questions. Spend some time discussing these questions together as a group as you wrap up:
    • Where do you need to experience the gentleness of Jesus in your life today
    • Where do you need to extend the gentleness of Jesus to others today?