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Easter Sunday, Conversation Starters

Coming out of Easter Sunday’s message, spend some time in prayerful reflection and dialogue with your Home Church/Friends/Family around any combination of these questions:

Read Luke 24:1-12 before starting. Pray and ask God to speak.

  • Reflect back on both Good Friday and Easter’s services. How did God speak to you this past weekend?
  • What are some general observations about the story of the women at the tomb? What stands out to you? Why?
  • Imagine the headspace the women must have been in as they walked to the tomb. Do you relate at all to that these days? How has the past year been hard (or disappointing and discouraging) for you?
    • In what ways have you personally experienced or seen hopelessness creep in to your world and/or family?
  • What’s significant about the words of the angel, “Why are you looking among the dead for the living?”  What did he mean? How might this question apply to us today? What are some ways we sometimes ‘look among the dead’ for life?
  • What are some things in your life that you might have thought were ‘dead’ (or dormant) that Jesus is inviting you to ‘look for life’ in?
  • The angel also said, “He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!” What might it look like for you to expect resurrection life to occur in your life? Spiritually? Relationally? Emotionally?