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Coming out of Sunday Feb 28 teaching “Letting Go of Control“, spend some time in prayerful reflection and dialogue with your Home Church/Friends/Family around any combination of these questions:

Read Psalm 121, Luke 12:22-32 and Proverbs 3:5-6 before starting. Pray and ask God to speak.

  • How did God speak to you on Sunday through the message? How do these passages speak to the issue of “Letting Go of Control” in your life?  What do you think it means to “Let Go of Control” and to “Surrender to Jesus” instead?
  • Throughout the pandemic, our sense of ‘control’ has been challenged as many of us have come to realize that we have far less control over our lives than we may have thought. How have you found yourself reacting (Emotionally? Spiritually? Mentally?) to this ‘loss of control’ and all the uncertainties of life over the past year? What (if anything) have you learned about God’s sovereignty (control over the world) over the past year?
  • Read James 4:13-15. What does this passage teach us about our lives and God’s control over it?  How might living with a “If the Lord wants us to” perspective change the way we think about our daily lives?
  • Jeff said “God is in control but he is not controlling.” What is the difference between the two (‘being in control’ vs ‘controlling’)? Does “being in control” mean that he “controls” everything that happens in the world? Why or why not? (See Psalm 24:1-2 and Romans 8:28)
  • Individually, why is it that “letting go of control” and “surrendering to Jesus” is so difficult? Why do we so often cling to control of our lives? What can happen when we refuse to ‘let go’? How have you seen this in your life?
  • Jeff said “Life is better when we walk in surrender“. What do you think that means? What makes it ‘better’ or ‘worse’? Does this mean life becomes ‘easier’? Why or why not?
  • Getting practical – What is one area of your life that you sense Jesus inviting you to ‘let go of control’ of? (i.e. Your kids? Spouse? Career? Finances? Relationships? Plans/Hopes for the future? Material possessions? Your life as a whole? Etc?) Why is it so challenging to let go of control in this ‘one area’ for you? What does it look like for you to daily surrender control of this area to Jesus? How does knowing the Gospel make it easier to surrender?
  • Spend some time in prayer, reflecting on the good news of Jesus and the freedom he gives us as we let go of control.