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  • Spend a few moments processing Sunday’s service together as a group. How did God meet you?
  • Read John 1:1-18, John’s poem about Christ’s coming. What struck you as you read this passage?
  • Look at the passage in John again, this time paying close attention to his the “light” and “darkness” language. What is significant about John’s use of these metaphors? What do you think John is wanting to communicate about Jesus here?
  • Look at verses 10-11. Why do you think it is that “the world didn’t recognize him”?
  • Jeff gave four reasons why we might not recognize Jesus in our daily lives:
    • Busyness
    • Distractions
    • Disobedience to God
    • Wrong Expectations of Jesus
  • Which one(s) of these four reasons are you must susceptible too this advent series? Why?
  • Jeff game a fifth reason why we might ‘miss Jesus’, this time reading from another ‘light’ passage in John 3:19-21. According to this passage, what is that reason?
  • What does it look like to “love the darkness more than the light” and to refuse to go to the light in “fear that our sins will be exposed”? In what ways might you personally ‘love the darkness than the light’?
  • Spend some time processing these reflection questions together, and then pray for one another.